TfEL/AC Staff Meeting Wednesday Week 5

Our next TfEL/Australian Curriculum meeting is this coming Wednesday at 3:30pm.  I am suggesting that we just get straight into our group/individual work rather than meet as a group. Hopefully we can just continue from where we were up to at the end of the last meeting. If a short admin time is required after TfEL/AC you will be informed when this will start via email or day book.


Staff involved with TfEL have now begun the process of self evaluation using the Review Tools Handbook. This time can be used to continue this process. I think it was valuable last time for teachers to do this in the staffroom as it gave you the opportunity to initiate conversations around the process. On the student free day we will (as a whole staff) be going through a process which looks at how the DVD can be used to investigate a specific element of TfEL. Hopefully this will be useful as staff may be nearing the point where they want to investigate an element in depth.

Australian Curriculum

I assume the groups working on the Australian Curriculum will work in the same areas as the first meeting. Hopefully the process for investigating the AC is working and this is useful time with colleagues. If it is not then please see me with suggestions about other ways of undertaking the investigation of the AC. I am not precious of how we do it as long as it is a useful process.

Can I please ask the primary group to make a decision about when you will wrap up the Australian Curriculum science investigation and begin the maths investigation. It would be important that you have enough time to complete this and prepare for how programming and assessment for maths and science will look for semester 2.

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