iPads Staff Survey

Here is the feedback provided by staff on our student free day in week 6 term 4.

A quick snap shot of what is in the survey (13 staff responded):

Question 1 – In relation to “the iPad is an important learning tool in my classroom” 9 staff rated the iPads 7 or higher out of 10.

Question 2 – 8 out of 13 staff use the iPads weekly or more.

Question 3 – 32 different apps have been used by staff. Uses varied from concept reinforcement, research, engagement, collaboration and creative presentation applications.

Question 4 – Two staff are keen to use iMovie R/1 and with PLP students in 2014. One staff member suggested would like to use a range of apps but felt it was too hard to get them onto the iPad just for potentially one off use. Please do not hesitate to seek me out to help you with the use of different apps if you need a sounding board. Please approach me if you have apps you would like to try. I will be updating apps etc at the end of the year and can add new apps ready for next year. I am a little hesitant to update and add new apps during a term so that student work is not affected.

Question 5 – Internet connection (not sure if this meant no connection?). If the Internet is not working this can usually be fixed fairly easily – come and see me in my office or let me know which iPad is not working/students do need Learn Link to get on to Safari. Sometimes iPads were booked out but not being used. Issues around losing student work. Thinking about alternate ways to store student work while it is being used i.e. saving a Book Creator file to school server in case it is lost or saving iMovie back to camera roll in case it is erased from iMovie may help. Removing work the instant it is finished will also help. This will always be an issue and one we must work on with students regarding the respect of other peoples work.

Question 6 – Are there enough iPads? 8 responded 6 said yes. Not enough for largest class in school (28 students). Two more will fit in the cart which would get us to 28.

Question 7 – What has been the impact from a whole school perspective? 12 responded 10 rated this 7 out of 10 or higher.

Click here to view detailed collated survey information.

2 thoughts on “iPads Staff Survey

  1. I was slack and did not get my response in for the collated results. I have not used the iPads much in my classes this year. When I have used them it has been as a camera. The year 9 students used them to take photos of the Amazing Literacy Race. I was pleased with the overall quality of the photos. There have been other times when I have gone to book them to record science experiments, but my practical lessons clashed with primary bookings. I have used a few maths apps with a year 7 student, but probably needed to grab one and investigate all the apps. I have used my iPad with certain apps as a class activity using the IWB. One problem I find with apps is that I often find it the day before I want it. I guess while I plan using the Internet I now need to plan using the iPad apps as well.

  2. Thanks Tanya for the comment. I have found the same thing, I often find an app that would be great for something I’m doing at the time I found it. To assist me with my use of the iPad I’ve tried to investigate a large range of apps that can assist me with HPE. Some are content specific while some are process apps (i.e. iMovie or PixnTell) that would help students explain concepts like team play or skill development. It is time consuming (many are not useful) but finding blogs that talk about educational apps and sites that review apps helps. The best way I found of knowing if an app was useful was to get it and try it out. This probably cost me a bit of money over time but helped clarify what worked and what didn’t. Eventually I was able to settle on a number of apps that I knew worked and would help me enhance my HPE program. I can now program knowing which apps to draw on depending on what tasks/activities I’m doing with students.

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