Using QR Codes that display text

QR codes that display text could be used for:

  • QR codes could supply information about a particular topic
  • Answers to quiz questions
  • Clues for scavenger hunts
  • Direction information ie walk 10 paces due south
  • One QR code could provide a question and a clue to find another QR code that has the answer.
  • Create a walk around the school which can only be completed  by answering questions directing you to the next QR code.
  • Create a poster on a particular topic that asks a variety of questions and attach QR code to the poster that supply the answer.
  • Use to reveal information at a particular point in time. They can be up on the wall but not able to be read until a student is instructed to read the QR code with an iPad.

Create the QR codes in:

  • QR Reader app (on student iPads)
  • Read them through the QR Reader app or through i-nigma (another QR reader app also on student iPads).

QR codes are exceptionally easy to make. They literally take the time it takes to type in your text. Students as young as Year 3/4 could easily create, print and laminate their own.

Not sure what a QR code is? Well here is an example:


The QR code above, when scanned says, “You will find your next QR code on the corner of a building which encourages reading.” This could be a clue in a series of clues in a treasure hunt.

QR codes can also be created to:

  • Take you to a website when scanned.
  • Take you to a specific point on a map using Geolocation.

One thought on “Using QR Codes that display text

  1. Another great use for QR codes is to place them in a book that links to a brief review. Needs a process for quality control but works well. Graham

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