Learning Design – What do my students already know?

Tanya has very kindly allowed me to share her classroom observation which occurred in week 3. Tanya’s focus is around Finding out what students already know. This closely links with the Learning Design process and TFEL.

Domain 4 Personalise and connect learning. Element: 4.1 build on learners’ understandings
the teacher identifies students’ prior knowledge and cultural practices as a starting point for curriculum.

I have inserted Tanya’s observational notes based on our new 2015 observational proforma. Please have a read and hopefully it provides some help and inspiration with your own planning in this area.

Learning Design – very quickly, what is it?

One of the 6 areas of Learning Design, What do they bring? requires us to carefully consider the beliefs, misconceptions and experiences students have. “What students bring” should not only be considered in relation to the content being taught but also other experiences students have had that impact on their attitude towards learning and their relationship with the teacher and other students.

To become effective at finding out what our students bring we need strategies to help us elicit this information. I have provided some resources that hopefully give some practical strategies that can easily be used in the classroom to achieve the aim of finding out what students bring to your classroom.

Resource 1: Click on the diagram to go to the Cornell University Centre for Teaching and Excellence website

Screen Shot 2015-02-10 at 8.55.26 pm


Resource 2Strategies to find out what students know

2 thoughts on “Learning Design – What do my students already know?

  1. Congratulations Tanya for deprivatising your practice to enable Nic to share both of your learning. Collaboration to support improved teaching and learning outcomes. Thanks for sharing this Nic.

    • It was good of Tanya to share. Hopefully through the year the sharing will continue from a range of staff. I always find it interesting to hear what teachers are doing in their classrooms, unfortunately we don’t always get to see it. Hopefully this is one way to change that.

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