The Value of Creative Play

I came across this video during the holidays which reminded me of how important play is for children. The video is about Caine a young boy in East L.A. who builds a cardboard amusement arcade at his fathers used car parts store. Credit to his father for encouraging Caine’s imagination, creativity and play. How do we foster creativity at P.B.A.S.?

This is a brilliant video, I guarantee it will make you smile!

3 thoughts on “The Value of Creative Play

  1. How awesome is this kids creativity?!!!!!!!!
    When we put it in context of this intention of this website it most certainly can be quite deflating as a teacher – that is, how when constrained by curriculum requirements and our own minds, how much we are stifling kids creativity!
    Time to work around some of those obstacles – just like Caine!

  2. It is pretty cool isn’t it. Schools should foster creativity but this example is within the home environment. Maybe as parents we should let our kids go more, stand back, let them build/create/invent, let them see what works/what does not and not offer our advice so much. As for the school environment ‘Creative Play’ is one avenue students have, some subjects naturally encourage creativity and an activity like Tournament of the Minds certainly fostered creativity (when we did it). This is not embedding creativity within our curriculum though. How do we offer chances to be creative in all subject areas – Blooms Revised Taxonomy can assist with this.

  3. The Bloom’s I think you are right Nick is the avenue to do this. TIME!! REEDUCTION OF THINGS ON!! Two critical issues – I think we need to say above and beyond the basic question ‘what is our core business’, what is our main focus in 2012. If it Comprehension then I guess it just is comprehension. Such a dilemma to get this right – but for real ACTION ont he ground to happen, this needs to be very clear – unlike these statement maybe.

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