Assessment For, As and Of Learning

Detailed learning design1

Box four in the Learning Design Framework asks us to consider: What evidence will enable us to assess the intended learning? To do this effectively we need to have a solid understanding of different types of assessments and their purpose. To assess effectively we need to ensure that we collect a range of assessment types and that we are giving students multiple opportunities to demonstrate their learning of a concept.

Assessment For, As and Of learning helps us to determine the purpose of assessment.

View the presentation and video and then answer the questions below in the comments section of this post.

Presentation on Assessment For, As and Of Learning

Dylan Wiliam – Assessment For Learning (formative learning)

Staff activity

1. Think of an activity that you have done with your students and briefly explain this activity/task/concept (1-2 sentences)

2. Consider and then list the “Types of Evidence” that you have (or will have) collected to assess this activity/task/concept.

3. What has been the purpose of the assessment? Assessment For, Of and As learning. Have you covered more than one assessment purpose?

4. Do you focus on one type of assessment more than another ie most of my assessment falls into the Assessment For and Of Learning with less in the Assessment As Learning.  I need to try and get my students considering how they learn and assist them to self reflect and question what they are learning.

5. How do you collect and build a picture of student learning? Do you use a take home book with work samples, a portfolio folder, a digital portfolio, a filing cabinet containing work samples etc?

2 thoughts on “Assessment For, As and Of Learning

  1. I know this is not the task or response we are meant to outline but this is a short version as a starter after watching the Dylan William video.
    I really liked the plane analogy about just moving on even if they haven’t reached the desired destination.
    I know that in the primary classes FORMATIVE assessment plays a vital role in planning the sequence of activities in a topic of learning. I think, from my experience in teaching higher grades that there is much more focus on summative, end of journey tasks than continual bits of information to assess progress.
    At the moment I build a picture of each student’s learning by
    * taking anecdotal notes.
    * marking work samples continually through a unit.
    * setting weekly homework contracts (assignments) to gather info about understanding levels.
    * Portfolio or “Take Home Book” filled with assessment summaries, work samples, rubrics etc. from the past term.

  2. In my teaching of middle school mathematics I use assessment for and assessment of learning, but not as learning. Students have a homework assignment for each unit. When I mark it, if I find gaps in their understanding, then I either work individually with the student, or if several have the same problem, then I will address it as a group or even class. At the end of the end students have an investigation and test which is assessment of their learning.

    Really, the Research Project, is the one subject where assessment as learning is explicitly addressed. Students need to reflect and analyse the value of the learning which has occurred as a result of undertaking the Research Project. They need to reflect upon the research skills they have gained as well as the value of the particular project for themselves and others. This is worth 30% of their overall grade and is externally moderated.

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