Teacher Personal Action Plans: Formative Assessment

After seeing Dylan Wiliam in term 1 and making a commitment to develop formative assessment as a site it is great that we can now share our formative assessment goals (via Personal Action Plans) on the blog. This gives us the opportunity to see what others are doing in their classrooms. The benefits of sharing our formative assessment goals include:

  1. We have publicly displayed our goals and therefore much more likely to go through with them.
  2. We can see what others are doing, hopefully generating more professional conversations away from staff meetings.
  3. We can select teachers who are using a particular technique and ask to sit in and observe their use of the technique broadening our understanding of its application.
  4. Teachers can use the Personal Action Plan as a basis for their observation lesson(s) with a peer. Have someone observe and give feedback on your formative assessment strategies.

Below are the Personal Action Plans of teachers at PBAS which outline how they have used and will continue to use formative assessment strategies based on Dylan Wiliam’s book Embedded Formative Assessment.


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